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Home  >  Get Active  >  Snow Sports
Few states are lucky enough to have as much snowfall as Alaska. The climate here gives athletes the opportunity to train and play on snow or on ice nearly year-round. So next winter, look forward to the snow and challenge yourself by trying out a new sport. You might just like it!

Cross-country Skiing 
Cross-country skiing can be either a recreational or a competitive sport. Skiers use light weight skis with wax on the bottom to glide across the snow, striding with their legs and propelling themselves with poles.

Downhill Skiing 
Downhill skiing is a sport that involves gliding over snow with a pair of skis strapped to the feet.

Hockey is a sport played on ice with skates and hockey sticks.

Ice skating 
Ice skating is the sport of gliding across ice, both indoors and outdoors.

Snowboarding is often compared to both surfing and skateboarding.

Snowshoeing has made it possible for people to walk and run over deep snow. The sport is similar to hiking except that snowshoes are strapped to the feet.

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